Alternatively, you can right click a file or folder in File Explorer or your Desktop select "Express Zip" and then "Compress" option.

Then click the "Add Folders" or "Add Files" button on the toolbar to begin adding the files you want to archive. The ZIP file format is one of the most widely used formats for cross-platform data exchange, making ZIP files ideal for not only compression and archiving, but also file sharing. Download the free version here which does not expire and includes most of the features of the professional version. A free version of Express Zip is available for non-commercial use only. Simply download now and install to manage all the zip files and archives on your computer. Designed to be very easy and intuitive to use, this zipping software will be up and running within minutes. Reduce file space needed by zipping big files before sending them to family, friends, coworkers and clients.

Create, manage and extract zipped files and folders.